Throughout the General Plan Update project, the City Council and Planning Commission will be presented with information at key milestones and asked for direction or approval. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings. The meetings can be attended in person or on Zoom.
The City Council held a public meeting to review the Draft Vision and Guiding Principles for the General Plan Update. Members of the public were encouraged to attend and provide input.
Meeting Materials
The Planning Commissions held a public meeting to review the Draft Vision and Guiding Principles for the General Plan Update. Members of the public were encouraged to attend and provide input.
Meeting Materials
At this public meeting, the Planning Commission and City Council provided feedback on the 2023-2031 Housing Element Public Review Draft. Members of the public were encouraged to attend and provide input.
Video Recording
Meeting Materials
At this meeting, the Planning Commission and City Council received a presentation about the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update.
Video Recording
Meeting Materials
At this meeting, the Planning Commission received an overview of the General Plan update.
Video Recording
Meeting Materials
© City of Soledad 2023
248 Main Street
Soledad, CA 93960
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